Abstract | Cilj ovoga rada je istražiti endokrine disruptore, njihovu apsorpciju u organizam i štetne učinke na zdravlje. U tu svrhu, napravljen je literaturni pregled dugogodišnjih istraživanja fokusiranih na endokrine disruptore kojima su ljudi najviše izloženi (bisfenol A, parabeni, triklosan, ftalati i fitoestrogeni). Fokus je stavljen na istraživanja koja su se bavila utjecajem pojedinih endokrinih disruptora na reproduktivni sustav i pokušajem smanjenja nastalih šteta. Naime, endokrini disruptori, kojima su ljudi svakodnevno izloženi i ne mogu se potpuno izbjeći, djeluju već u vrlo malim dozama, a apsorpcijom u organizam ostavljaju brojne posljedice poput hormonalnih poremećaja, pretilosti, raznih poremećaja reproduktivnog sustava (funkcioniranje jajnika, folikulogeneza) itd. U ovom radu, poseban naglasak stavljen je na utjecaj disruptora na nastanak sindroma policističnih jajnika. Iako mehanizam nastanka sindroma nije u potpunosti razjašnjen, utvrđeno je da izloženost endokrinim disruptorima utječe na nastanak inzulinske rezistencije (koja je usko povezana s ovim sindromom), na nakupljanje kolesterola (što dovodi do pretilosti i može sudjelovati u nastanku sindroma), na ekspresiju gena, odvijanje određenih staničnih procesa i sl. Konkretna veza disruptora i ovog sindroma i dalje se detaljno istražuje kako bi se dobila što jasnija slika koja bi mogla pomoći u liječenju sindroma, a moguće i u sprečavanju njegovog nastanka. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this paper is to explore endocrine disruptors, their absorption into the body, and their harmful effects on the health. To this end, a literature review was conducted, focusing on longterm studies of endocrine disruptors to which humans are most exposed (bisphenol A, parabens, triclosan, phthalates, and phytoestrogens). The focus was on studies examining the impact of specific endocrine disruptors on the reproductive system and attempts to mitigate the damage caused. Namely, endocrine disruptors, to which people are exposed daily and cannot completely avoid, have effects even at very low doses, and their absorption into the body leads to numerous consequences, such as hormonal imbalances, obesity, various reproductive system disorders (ovarian function, folliculogenesis), and more. This paper places special emphasis on the impact of disruptors on the development of polycystic ovary syndrome. Although the mechanism of this syndrome is not fully elucidated, it has been established that exposure to endocrine disruptors influences the development of insulin resistance (closely linked to this syndrome), cholesterol accumulation (which leads to obesity and may contribute to the syndrome), gene expression, cellular processes, etc. The connection between disruptors and this syndrome is under research in order to obtain a clearer understanding that could assist in treating of the syndrome, and possibly in preventing its occurrence. |