Abstract | Ljekovito bilje i njegove aktivne komponente uvelike doprinose boljitku ovje anstva. Ve ina biljaka porodice Lamiaceae ljekovite su biljke koje zbog bioaktivnih komponenti koristimo u borbi protiv gljivica, virusa, bakterija i raznih upala. Rod Thymus, koji je lan porodice Lamiaceae, sastoji se od oko 250 predstavnika, a neki od najpoznatijih su maj ina dubica, timijan, lavanda, bosiljak, ru~marin i dr. Izuzev svoje ljekovitosti, ove biljke se odlikuju i aromati nob u zbog ega se esto koriste kao za ini. Jedan od predstavnika roda Thymus je timijan, Thymus vulgaris L., koji se nabiroko koristi u narodnoj medicini, prehrani i pripremi ljekovitih preparata. Iako ljekovito bilje ima niz aktivnih komponenata, eteri no ulje se isti e najve im udjelom bioaktivnih sastojaka. U slu aju biljaka roda Thymus, aktivni sastojci eteri nog ulja s najizra~enijim djelovanjem pripadaju klasi terpenoida, a to su timol i karvakrol. Stoga terapeutski potencijal timijana ovisi o sadr~aju timola i karvakrola, ali i drugih bioaktivnih spojeva, kao bto su flavonoidi, saponini i flavoni, dok eteri no ulje pokazuje antibakterijski, antisepti ni, antifungalni i antioksidacijski u inak. Stoga timijan i drugo bilje roda Thymus imaju veliki zna aj kao funkcionalna hrana i potencijal primjene u lije enju raznih stanja. Cilj ovoga rada je dati kratki pregled tradicionalne uporabe, bioaktivnih spojeva, farmakologije i toksikologije bilja iz roda Thymus. |
Abstract (english) | Medicinal plants and their active components greatly contribute to the well-being of mankind. Most of the plants of the Lamiaceae family are medicinal plants that, due to their bioactive components, we use in the fight against fungi, viruses, bacteria and various inflammations. The genus Thymus, a member of the Lamiaceae family, consists of approximately 250 representatives, and some of the most famous are thyme, lavender, basil, rosemary, etc. Apart from their healing properties, they are also characterized by their aromaticity, which is why they are often used as spices. Thyme, Thymus vulgaris L., a plant from the Thyme genus, is widely used in traditional medicine, diet and medicinal preparations producion. Although
medicinal plants have many active components, essential oil stands out due to the highest content of bioactive ingredients. In the case of Thymus genus, the active ingredients of the essential oil with the most pronounced effect belong to the class of terpenoids, namely thymol and carvacrol. Hence, thyme therapeutic effect depends on the content of thymol and carvacrol, and also other bioacive compunds such as flavonoids, saponins and flavons, while the etheric oil has antibacterial, antiseptic, antifungal and antioxidative effect. Hence, thyme and other members of Thymus genus have a great importance as functional food and potential in treatment of various conditions. The aim of this thesis is to give a brief overview of the traditional use, bioactive compounds, pharmacology and toxicology of herbs from the Thymus genus. |