Sažetak | Porodica Rosaceae, ružovke, je vrlo rasprostranjena porodica reda ružolike, Rosales. Predstavnici ove porodice lako se mogu pronaći, bilo kao divlje vrste u prirodi ili kao uzgojene ukrasne biljke, te imaju obojane listove, cvjetove i/ili plodove, za čiju su boju odgovorni različiti polifenolni spojevi. Ovi biljni pigmenti ovisno o pH vrijednosti otopine mijenjaju boju od crvene, ljubičaste, plave, zelene do žute, zbog čega bi pripadnici ove porodice mogli imati primjenu u pripremi alternativnih pH indikatora. Cilj rada bio je ispitati potencijal primjene odabranog biljnog materijala iz porodice Rosaceae kao alternativnih pH indikatora. U radu je korišten svježi, suhi i prerađeni biljni materijal (džem, sok, vino, čaj). Odabrane su prerađevine s najvišim sadržajem ciljanog biljnog materijala, bez dodatka drugog bilja, umjetnih bojila i drugih potencijalnih indikatora koji bi utjecali na dobivene rezultate. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju na izuzetno veliki potencijal primjene biljnog materijala zbog svoje pristupačnosti, niske cijene, mogućnosti jednostavnog skladištenja te jednostavne pripreme. Od ispitanog biljnog materijala, među vizualno najdojmljivijima istakli su se trešnja, divlja kupina, ruže i određene sorte jabuke, dok se marelica, glog i mušmulica nisu istaknuli kao alternativni pH indikatori. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The family Rosaceae, the rose family, is a very widespread family of the order Rosales. Representatives of this family can easily be found, either as wild species in the nature or as cultivated ornamental plants, and have colored leaves, flowers, and/or fruits, the color of which is a result of various polyphenolic compounds. Depending on the pH value of the solution, these plant pigments change color from red, purple, blue, green to yellow, which is why members of this family could be used in the preparation of alternative pH indicators. The aim of this study was to examine the potential application of selected plant material from the Rosaceae family as alternative pH indicators. Fresh, dry, and processed plant material (jam, juice, wine, tea) was used in this work. Products with the highest content of targeted plant material were selected, without the addition of other plants, artificial colors, and other potential indicators that would affect the obtained results. The results of this research show extremely high potential of used plant material due to its accessibility,low cost, easy storage and easy preparation. Of the examined plant material, cherries, wild blackberries, roses, and certain apple varieties stood out among the most visually impressive, while apricots, hawthorn, and hawthorn did not stand out as alternative pH indicators. |